Can I transfer SKU products to a new storage area location?

Can I transfer SKU products to a new storage area location?

Our product equips users with the flexibility to transfer single or multiple SKU products to a new storage area location, enhancing the adaptability and efficiency of inventory management. This feature is vital for accommodating changes in storage needs, optimizing space utilization, or reorganizing inventory for operational efficiency. 


Moreover, our system allows users to exercise control over inventory details during the transfer process. Users can set new quantities and expiration dates for the SKUs in their new storage locations. This capability is crucial for maintaining accurate inventory records, ensuring product freshness, and minimizing waste through better management of expiration dates. 


By providing these functionalities, our product supports dynamic inventory management, allowing users to respond swiftly to changing warehouse conditions and demands. This ensures that inventory is not only stored effectively but also managed in a way that aligns with best practices for stock control, space management, and product lifecycle management, ultimately contributing to smoother operations and enhanced operational flexibility. 


Figure 7.4(a) Transfer Storage Area Flow 


Figure 7.4(b) Transfer Storage Area Flow

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