How to manage product variants in Aratum Cargo?

How to manage product variants in Aratum Cargo?

Our platform transforms the landscape of inventory management by simplifying the management of product variants. This cutting-edge functionality enables users to easily introduce new products with various attributes — including size, color, and more — in a single, fluid action. By removing the traditional complexities of documenting numerous variants, our system drastically lowers the time and labor involved in updating inventory. Additionally, our platform offers a kitting feature, which permits the bundling of different products within the same order. This user-centric design not only streamlines the inventory management process but also improves precision and efficiency, empowering businesses to swiftly adjust to evolving market trends and consumer demands with ease. 


Our Variants table is customizable, enabling users to easily adjust display fields to fit their preferences with just a few simple settings. List of parameters for display fields are as below. 


And users also do have the option to filter the table based on parameters listed below. 

Users can leverage the kitting feature to create virtual bundles, as detailed through the steps illustrated in Figure 5.3(b-e). This feature is instrumental in minimizing waste and enhancing operational efficiency in warehouse packaging, allowing for a more streamlined and eco-friendly approach to order fulfillment. By combining products into predefined kits, users can optimize packaging processes, reduce material use, and expedite the packaging and shipping stages, ultimately contributing to a more efficient and sustainable warehouse operation.

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