How to manage address book in Aratum Cargo?

How to manage address book in Aratum Cargo?

The Address Book feature within our inventory management system plays a pivotal role in unlocking the full business potential. It allows users to meticulously manage a comprehensive list of customer details, extending beyond basic information to include the precise location of each customer, encompassing both shipping and billing addresses. This detailed approach facilitates more accurate and efficient order processing and delivery. 


Additionally, the system provides the capability to manage and monitor a list of warehouses, offering users the flexibility to keep a close eye on current stock levels across various locations. This dual functionality not only streamlines the logistics and fulfillment process but also enhances the overall efficiency of inventory management, ensuring that businesses can meet their customers' needs promptly and accurately, thereby maximizing operational effectiveness and customer satisfaction. 

Adding Customers 

Our address book table is customizable, enabling users to easily adjust display fields to fit their preferences with just a few simple settings. List of parameters for display fields are as below. 

And users also do have the option to filter the table based on parameters listed below. 

Our product provides two convenient methods for adding list of customers: users can either add the information of customer manually, entering the details into the system directly, or they can opt to import a set of data using a predefined template. 

  1. (a) To add information of customer manually.  

(b)  To import a set of data through predefined template.

Adding Warehouses 

Our address book table is customizable, enabling users to easily adjust display fields to fit their preferences with just a few simple settings. List of parameters for display fields are as below. 

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