How to get Certificate of Conformity (COC)?

How to get Certificate of Conformity (COC)?

Wondering what is a Certificate of Conformity (CoC)? This is sometimes also called as Certificate of Conformance or Certificate of Compliance.

Some manufacturers and independent laboratories usually issue this certificate to buyers of products/components that are critical or high risk. A CoC mainly states that the product:

  • has been tested;
  • passes the set criteria within specification;
  • meets both technical and safety requirements

In some countries, CoC is a mandatory document along with the product. Also, when doing an international shipment, you must expect that a country's customs might request for a CoC for some critical and high risk products. Definitely, transporting safe and quality products are important to public safety especially users of a certain product.



"What Is a Certificate of Conformity (COC), and How To Get One?,"QualityInspection.Org, accessed June 27, 2020,

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