How to create Morning Express Label?

How to create Morning Express Label?

If you have not tried creating your Morning Express Label, here's how.


1. Upon logging in, select Shipping Labels.


2. Then, select Morning Express Label.


3. You will be directed to this page.


4. Click plus.png New Label to add new Morning Express Label.


5.  You will be directed to New Morning Express page.



6. Fill out all required fieldsasterisk.png

You will be requested to provide the following information.

  • Name
  • Phone
  • Reference
  • Quantity







7. Finally, click Save.



A pop-up message will appear to notify you that creating a new label is successful. See sample below.



     You may Edit or View Log.



8. Once the new Morning Express Label is created, go back to Morning Express Labels page.



 Notice the Status of created labels. You will see that some are Printable, others are Draft.


9. All newly created labels are in Draft status; thus, you must click Approve to make it printable.



Never worry a prompt will appear as you rest the cursor on the symbol.


10. Click Approve. A pop-up will appear to re-confirm your action. It will also request you to choose Label Setting. Since this is Morning Express, you must select Morning Express. It is a pre-requisite that when you set up Morning Express Label Pick Up address must be Hong Kong SAR. To be guided on setting up your Morning Express Label, please visit our user guide for this.


Select from the drop down entries. Then, click Save.



A pop-up will appear on the side to notify you that the action is successful.



The Approve status will appear. You have to refresh the page to update the system and make it Printable on your end.


After refreshing the page, the Approve status must have changed to Printable.


11. With the Printable status, you can now Download, Copy, or Track. See the buttons on the side.


12. To print from your computer, click Download.


  You are now set with the Morning Express Label.


Want to learn how to set up your Morning Express Labels? Click How to setup Label Setting for Morning Express?

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