How to create Invoice in Aratum Ledger?

How to create Invoice in Aratum Ledger?

Invoices in a ledger are fundamental to managing a business's financial transactions, acting as formal requests for payment for goods or services rendered. These entries detail the transaction's specifics, including the invoice date, customer information, quantity and description of goods or services, total amount due, and payment terms. Recording invoices in the ledger is a critical aspect of the accounts receivable process, marking the revenue recognition point and initiating the tracking of incoming payments. This practice ensures accurate financial reporting by documenting sales and outstanding receivables, facilitating cash flow management, and aiding in the prediction of future revenue streams. Moreover, maintaining precise and comprehensive invoice records is crucial for audit preparedness, enabling businesses to verify the legitimacy of their financial transactions and comply with accounting standards. Invoices in a ledger not only symbolize a claim on resources owed by customers but also reflect the health and efficiency of a business’s operational practices, underscoring their importance in financial and operational management. 


Our Invoices Table is customizable, enabling users to easily adjust display fields to fit their preferences with just a few simple settings.

And users also do have the option to filter the table based on parameters.

Users can add new Invoice into the system based on the few options below. 

  1. a) To add New Invoice manually.  

      b) Through import template.

New Quote Adding through Import Flow 

Our product is specifically designed to simplify and enhance the management of invoices within a ledger, catering to the pivotal role these documents play in recording transactions, tracking sales, managing receivables, and analyzing revenue. The workflow is meticulously crafted to ensure a seamless user experience, emphasizing ease of use and efficiency from start to finish

Invoicing FlowInvoicing Flow

The system will mark the invoice as ‘Fulfilled’ once the Invoicing Flow has



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