Before we do the integration in your ZhenHub account, we must do the following easy steps in your Amazon account:
1. Log in you to Amazon Seller account.
2. Go to Setting. From the drop down, choose User Permission.
3. Then, click Manage Apps.
4. Then input Developer's name and Developer's ID. This only support the following areas: Americas (includes Canada, US, Mexico, Brazil).
5. Copy Amazon account’s seller ID, Amazon account’s MWS Auth Token.
Then, go to your ZhenHub account.
6. From your Dashboard, click Setting.
7. From the drop down, click Integrations.
8. You will be directed to Integrations page. You should see listings of online stores that you possibly use.
9. Under Amazon, click Connect.
10. A pop-up box will appear. Fill in needed information. Then, click Install Amazon.