You should be here to cancel a shipment on "Pending" Status.
1. After logging in, select Sales Order.
2. Choose Shipments from the drop down. You will be directed to Shipment page.
3. Look for the Pending Sales Order that you want to cancel.
4. Move the slide bar to your right, so you will see the last column. The last column is titled as Warehouse. Then click X to cancel.
5. A pop-up message will appear to confirm your action. You must know that once you cancelled the shipment this can not be recovered.
6. A confirmation notice will appear on the right side of your screen.
7. Slide back to the first column. Notice the warning symbol. If you rest your cursor on that symbol a message will appear based on the recent action of cancellation. See sample.
Now, you have successfully cancelled your Pending Shipment Order.