How to add new users in my account?

How to add new users in my account?

Adding a new user in your account is as easy as 1-2-3- steps.


1. On the side panel, click Users.

2. Select User List.

3. You will be directed to User List page.

Here you must see list of active users.

4. On the menu bar, click add New User icon.

5. You will be directed to New User page. Fill in all required fields22A17ACF-6793-4309-85EA-5298B9E7FE42_4_5005_c.jpeg

6. Next, decide which among the capabilities or features do you want the new user has access. Then, click Save.

7. You can now see the newly added user on the User List. You can always Edit system capability or Delete a user. See the boxed icons.

Congratulations! You have added a new user.

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